Our Plans and Pricing

Ready to start your business with us?


  • Local Job Posting
  • Location-Based Targeting
  • Detailed Company Profiles
  • Application Management
  • Featured Job Listings
  • Job Post Analytics
  • Local Talent Pools
  • Real-time Notifications
  • Local Networking and Events
  • Local Business Directory
  • Job Category Selection


Per Job Post:
Amount (in INR) ₹ 1200
GST(18%) ₹ 216
Total ₹ 1416.00


  • Local Job Posting
  • Job Category Selection
  • Location-Based Targeting
  • Detailed Company Profiles
  • Application Management
  • Featured Job Listings
  • Job Post Analytics
  • Local Talent Pools
  • Real-time Notifications
  • Local Networking and Events
  • Local Business Directory


Per Job Post:
Amount (in Dollar) $ 30
TAX(8%) $ 2.4
Total $ 32.40
Refund Policy | Cancellation Policy